Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Warm UP 2-Rosary

As a future english teacher, I expect to find myself facing similar writing (although hopefully of higher accord) in my classroom setting. I may find students that write such things as, "I am going to take a crap," such as Rose was forced to face. I think that he handled that moment very well by not letting the student have the upper hand. There will be students that wish to get at the teacher, create awkward and terrible moments, and gain the classroom attention. I have always wondered how I would handle such a situation. What if the student wrote threatening work, or work that may seem like he/she would harm themselves? Would I keep my cool like Rose? Would I follow school policy exactly? I hope I would regard the student's background and context before responding. I hope that I dont find myself labeling students or placing them in rutted tracks. I believe in the power of Rose, the power to pull out of a set future. I will pray with the Rose-ary that I will be able to reach the students, through designed writing exercises such as Rose used. I believe that if I zoom in on a student, they become much more than a generalization, they become an actual student.

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