Saturday, September 6, 2008

Language Investigation 2

Language Investigation 2- The expansion

The discourse community of my work

After the class discussion and language investigation, I noticed the unique discourse that my work used. I specifically noticed how no one outside of my work would understand our language. I work on campus, at Off-Campus Student Services and Resources for Adult Learners, where there is a lounge and work area for “adult students.” Adult students are often older returning students, who are quite different from traditional students, such as myself. Now within my work, there are two discourses, that of the Non-Traditional students, and that of my work.

Terms used by Non-Traditional students:


Example- “I am going to the RAL.”

Meaning- RAL stands for Resources for Adult Learners, where there is a lounge. The example refers to the lounge.


Example- “That test frac(k)ed me up.”

Meaning- Apparently, frack is the television version of a swear word. The adult students use the term frac(k) in place of swearing.

Terms used by my work

OC team-

The OC team is the Off-Campus team, which is two members of the overall office.

Huggie Bear-

Name referring to Anne Hudgens, who works for CSU.


ecgiacom said...

I noticed your absence from class Mr. Luke.. shame, shame.
Anyway, I did like your post about working on campus. I have actually noticed that a lot of different places on campus use acronyms. Must be a college thing? We used them quite a bit on my RA (there's another one) staff a few years ago. Teachers also use them a lot, which is another bit I find interesting. Also, I like "Frack" I think I might start using it in place of less polite words that sometimes fly out.

Rachel KR said...

I find it interesting, although maybe I shouldn't, that nearly all the jobs I've had have also had a unique set of terms that people who had never worked in a similar job wouldn't know. For example, I work in a restaurant, so the term 86 is often used there. I have no idea where some of the terms come from, but they seem to be a standard. At least your acronyms make sense (well, at least they do after you explain them). The "frack" thing is funny. Check out my post, I also have a term from BSG that my friends use, haha.